Monday, April 20, 2009

a very colorful weekend in san diego

sometimes i wonder what type of woman i would be if i didn't live here. oceanside, the beach, san diego county in definitely has helped to create the person i've become today. i focus attention on our bodies of water, restoration to historical buildings, arts and music festivals and shopping local.

this last weekend was a perfect example of the beauty that is my backyard. from stumbling into the ob global rock festival, taking pictures next to painted cows and spending hours at earth fair with my besties, i feel truly blessed to live and breathe san diego. although it may seem close-minded of me to say that i am totally ok with living by the beach and in san diego for the rest of my life, i back up that statement with these images :) enjoy! and hope you're staying cool with this desert weather with popsicles, silk sheets, bikinis and booty shorts.

i'm definitely noticing that i had a very colorful weekend...
peace and love.

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